Whether your current offerings come from industry leaders like Barnes, Flygt, Goulds, Keen, E-One, Myers Pumps, Liberty Pumps, ABS, or others, it’s essential to periodically evaluate whether your supplier relationships are meeting your customers' evolving needs.
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You have a wastewater system, and your system has pumps. But a lot has changed between your initial installation and now. To update, you do not need a new system. You need customized replacement pumps to fit into yours. We call that Retrofit
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Retrofit: Innovation is happening, and technology is advancing. You want the latest, state-of-the-art production, but you don't want the hassle of updating your entire system. In fact, the last thing you need is a lengthy, complex upgrade process.
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When you shipped the pump, it was in perfect condition. When it arrived, it wasn’t. As a pump manufacturer, is that your fault?
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Wow moments are unexpected but appreciated. If you’re a wastewater pump distributor or a distribution representative to a wastewater plant customer, you know that results mean everything. The service, price, and relationship a customer expects must be met, or you risk losing the relationship
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When pumps get clogged, break down, or can’t keep up with the increasing consumption of resources and population increases, then you’ve got a problem.
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Elections are nothing new. We have them all of the time, like clockwork. We can learn from them, and should to be prepared for what is to come next in the wastewater industry and pump manufacturing and distribution.
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Change is happening. Suburbs are becoming cities. Manufacturing plants are outgrowing their facilities. Costs are going up. Logistics are slowing down. This causes problems and requires solutions. Here are ways pump manufacturers like Keen Pump can solve problems for distributors and your customers.
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There was a time when everything was done locally. In those days, it was the responsibility of the pump manufacturer to provide excellent service above all other things. You could never risk a bad reputation. Now, with larger, overseas options, it's a key differentiator that can make a huge impact in how pump distributors serve their customers.
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As inflation, governmental legislation and logistics continue to create unease in the economy, it is often the end user who ends up feeling the pain. Pump manufacturers and distributors can and should work together to solve problems for our customers.
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The way you used to think about grinder pumps and chopper pumps may need an upgrade. Things are changing and innovation is changing the game. Forward thinking chopper pump and grinder pump manufacturers are leading the charge. Commercial Residential wastewater systems have changed and here are a few new things to know.
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Change is the one constant in everything we do. Innovation in sewage pumps is mandatory to keep up with the changes your customer's demand. New expectations include increased performance, less clogging, and easily replaced parts to make current wastewater systems up to date and efficient.
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Sewage pumps tend to be forgotten. Set it, and forget it. But innovation is necessary, especially in todays changing residential environments. We need more pressure and more capacity to pump more sewage waste over longer distances.
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The planning and strategizing that comes into play when installing a wastewater management system is massive, and the costs go right along with it. Retrofit products at Keen Pump can bring your current system up to date without reinventing or replacing your current wastewater management system.
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Wastewater Management is all about flow. When it’s not moving, there’s a problem.That's why the role of the Pump Distributor is so important. The end user creates the wastewater and the pump manufacturer's sump pump products make it go away. But in between, the pump distributor is making it all work together. Here is a list of things a Distributor needs to do to be effective, and how Keen Pump helps them get it done.
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What if life were like a Track meet? Wastewater Management is like the Hurdles. The obstacles keep coming.
At Keen Pump, we’ve got our pulse on today's issues to help you be ready for any challenge with sump pump, wastewater management and sewer system knowledge, products, service and information.
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Nothing lasts forever. We aren't just talking about quality issues or product wear and tear. Government regulations, community growth requirements, and advanced and more efficient product lines in the marketplace can spur the need to upgrade
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By now, you may have started to hear a lot about the Pulverizer Pump, patented at Keen Pump, a pump manufacturer in Ashland Ohio. We designed and developed the Pulverizer Pump as a solution for large, commercial wastewater management. It's now available for residential purposes.
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When things that should not get into sewers get into sewers, the pumps get jammed up and clogged. Pumps intended to manage what is likely to find their way into sewers may not be able to handle the rest.
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It is likely that wastewater has always been an issue. Perhaps as long as there have been human beings, there has been a need for better, cleaner, faster, and more efficient improvements in how wastewater is handled, treated, and managed. At Keen Pump, we stress new innovations in the creation of sump pump products and systems that can help your municipality keep up. In order to focus on the solutions, we need to focus on the problems.
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Chopper Pumps serve a purpose and it is long-standing. But the world has changed and the needs for wastewater management have changed, too. This article discusses the evolution of the chopper pump, the new issues they face, and the need for new options for today's municipalities
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Every municipality needs them, and every municipality will struggle with them. People are putting things into the sewers that aren't biodegradable and many current pumps are prepared to handle it. So, they get clogged. The Pulverizer Pump from Keen Pump is the solution.
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