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United States Election Cycles and the Constant of Change

Gregg Keener September 11, 2024

How Wastewater Pump Manufacturers Can Prepare for Whatever Happens Next

Elections are nothing new.  We have them all of the time, like clockwork, and we have been since our great country was born almost 250 years ago. 

That means we can learn from them.  And knowledge is power.

If you are a distributor in the wastewater industry, then you know how fast things can change.  Your customers have a problem, and they need you to solve it. That means you need a manufacturing partner who is up to date in advance of the latest trends and potential developments that can impact you and your business.

When it comes to elections, we’re keeping an eye on things, ready for what comes next, whatever comes next.  As a wastewater pump distributor, you need to know that we’ve got a plan, no matter what. 

Here are just a few things that we see that could slightly shift or even change dramatically in 2025 and for future election cycles to come: 

Regulatory Changes

  • Environmental Regulations: The administration's stance on environmental regulations could lead to either stricter standards or deregulation. Stricter regulations might enforce more rigorous treatment standards, influencing technology adoption and operational costs.

Our stance:  At Keen Pump, we are flexible. If something changes, we can change with it and take care of the new requirements faster.  Our manufacturing facility is locally owned and operated in Ashland Ohio. We’re going to be able to shift fast to meet any new regulations required, and we will. 

Infrastructure Investment

  • Federal Funding: The allocation of federal funds for infrastructure improvements, including wastewater treatment plants, is a significant factor. An administration focused on infrastructure could lead to increased funding for modernization and the adoption of advanced treatment technologies.

  • Public-Private Partnerships: Depending on the administration, there might be a push for more public-private partnerships, which could drive innovation and efficiency in the industry.

Our stance: We’ve been developing pumps to be used for commercial purposes while bringing that same technology to the residential world. We see communities growing larger, mirroring the needs of commercial enterprises. We are already bringing what’s most efficient for commercial use to the end user in public and residential applications. 

Innovation and Technology Adoption

  • Research and Development: Federal support for R&D in wastewater treatment technologies could accelerate innovations like nutrient recovery, energy efficiency, and circular economy approaches. An administration that prioritizes sustainability might increase funding and incentives for such innovations.

  • Digitalization and Automation: Support for smart water management systems, including the digitalization and automation of wastewater facilities, might depend on federal policies promoting technology adoption and cybersecurity in critical infrastructure.

Our stance:  At Keen Pump, we stay on top of innovation at all times, not just to meet regulations, but to take advantage of opportunities.  We’re already developing pumps that pump waste longer distances, with more capacity.  We already invest in R & D to create a better product for our customers, never willing to rest on our laurels. A wastewater pump manufacturer who isn’t paying attention to innovation now is going to be behind the curve, and that hurts wastewater management product distributors.

Workforce Development

  • Education and Training Programs: The availability of federal programs to support workforce development in the wastewater industry could influence the availability of skilled labor, particularly in new technologies and sustainable practices.

Our stance: We believe in training and education.  Our showroom and learning center was built to help distributors understand our product so that they can best serve their customers.  We’re ready for our customers when they realize that knowledge is power, and they need more power. 

Of course, anything else can change, too.  And likely much will. But it’s nothing that we can’t handle and nothing that should cause concern as long as your wastewater pump manufacturer is paying attention and ready to pivot where needed. 

At Keen Pump, we are a proud, local company, and we are proud of what we do here in the United States of America. We’ll be ready for what happens next, so you can be ready to solve problems for your customers.

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